Hi Everyone! I hope its clear but its too dark rn in my room. do u think thats cobweb mold? will take a clearer pic tmrw if needed. astora☽ answers: definitely looks like cobweb, unfortunately you can kinda see the difference between that little condensed patch in the corner cobweb will also spread insanely fast : thx for the info. shall i toss the whole tub or can i try to save the few spots? kinda ruined it in the first place with too little mycelium astora☽: I’d toss and disinfect! GRIM MFKR: Flash when taking the pic would help It could be cobweb or mucor but it’s hard to tell Really need a better lit picture for color Mucor is usually white from what i’ve seen in pics and my own tubs turns gray when spores everywhere cobweb is always gray
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