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Category: Mushroom Growing Guide
Virgenu 12 Jars Mushroom Growing Kit Ult...
Hard Red Winter Wheat Berries, 5 lbs
Organic Whole Oat, 2 Lbs
Extra Long Brown Basmati Rice, 3.3 lbs
Desert Valley White Millet Seed, All Nat...
Sterilized Rye Berry Mushroom Substrate...
Mason Jars with Lids, 16/32 oz - 6 Pack
Mason Jars Wide Mouth with Lids, 32oz -...
Polypropylene jars, 8-32oz
2-in-1: Synthetic Air Filters 64 pcs + I...

Supplies and equipment to buy for Mushroom growing

Check list of necessary items for mushroom growing
What do you need to buy for magic mushroom growing at home

Shopping list for the start of magic mushroom growing at home

The main stages in magic mushroom life cycle

Mushroom Cultivation process consists of 2 main stages:

Colonization period (first 2-6 weeks)

It is vegetative phase when mushroom mycelium is formed. This mycelium grab the nutrients from grain substrate in jars or bags.

Incubator for colonization period for psilocybin mushrooms
Incubator for psilocybin mushrooms colonization period

For this phase we need to prepare liquid spore syringe, spawn substrate, bags or jars for spawn substrate, make substrate sterilization, substrate inoculation, make mushroom cakes and cover them with casing layer, make an incubator (optional) and control the necessary microclimate conditions for this period:

  • dark place, no light at all
  • temperature 70-81°F or +21..+27°C
  • low humidity (30-55%)
Fruiting period (the next 6-8 weeks after colonization period)

It is a phase of pinhead and primordia formation, mushrooms fruit bodies growth, harvesting and flushing (mushrooms produce 3-5 flushes)

Growbox or fruiting chamber for magic mushrooms growing
Fruiting chamber (aka growbox) for psilocybin mushrooms fruiting period

For this phase, we need to:

  • prepare any kind of fruiting chamber (Growbox, MonoTub, Bottle Tek etc.)
  • reduce temperature to 70-74°F or +21..+23°C
  • maintain high humidity (90-95%)
  • provide fresh air exchange (FAE)
  • light

At first, it will be enough to prepare all stuff for the first stage — colonization period. If you succeed in it, then proceed for the second phase.

Newbie cultivators often don't know about the separation of these two stages of mushroom cultivation and confused the climate conditions.

Where do you start your magic mushroom cultivation? Alternatives and costs

❇️ Option 1 — GrowKit

Ready to use grow kit for beginners with basic stuff you need for the start can be found online (Amazon $149.98). Anyway you need to buy some stuff for convenient and sterile work.

To be honest, such kits are "so-so" quality, but good enough for the very first attempt.

For long term hobby better to make everything by your own. It's really worth it!

❇️ Option 2 — Do it yourself

It's super easy, fun and exciting process! You can setup your incubator (which is optional) and fruiting chamber (GrowBox or MonoTub) by your own. You even can use a bucket or big plastic bottle as fruiting chamber.

You don't need to buy everything at once. You just need time, passion and patience.

Our total costs were about $130 for the whole process described in this guide

Your very first growing can be organised cheaper. You can spend around 100$ for EVERYTHING you need. I'll show you how you can save money for the first time. My costs were 130$ for the whole growing process described in this guide, including equipment for simple Incubator, GrowBox and additional tools. This price doesn't include pressure cooker or autoclave, laminar flow hood and other expensive stuff for mycology.

As a result, it turned into 1883 grams of wet mushrooms (details about yield by strains and by flushes in Growing Stats section) and about a hundred spore prints. But the most important were emotions gained from 10 weeks of an exciting GROWING trip!

Let's move step by step and make a list of basic necessary stuff to start you own mushroom cultivation.

List of required items for colonization period

For the first stage of growing process you need to prepare:

Mushroom genetic material

Spore print in zip bag, or spore syringe, or liquid culture in syringe. This is the most important and indispensable participant of mushroom growing process.

Psilocybe cubensis spore print
Psilocybin mushroom spore print (Psilocybe Cubensis)
Whole grain

You need unhulled good quality grain suitable for food for people and animals. You can use organic grain or grain for sprouting for making grain substrate for inoculation.

To prepare grain substrate you need about 2lbs (1kg) of DRY grain per 4-5 jars (16 oz) or 2-3 jars (32 oz)

For grain substrate you can use: wheat berry, oats, barley, rye, wild bird seeds, popcorn, corn, brown rice, millet, sorghum. I suggest to start with wheat, oats, brown rice or millet.

🌾 Whole wheat berries.

Wheat for substrate for psilocybin mushrooms growing
Whole wheat for preparing spawn substrate for psilocybin mushrooms growing

🌾 Whole oat with husk.

Whole oat for psilocybe cubensis substrate
Whole oat for psilocybe cubensis spawn substrate

🌾 Brown rice.

Brown rice for mushroom spawn and BRF substrate

🌾 Millet or wild bird seeds.

Millet for mushroom cultivation
Millet for mushroom spawn

Shroomok's Choice on Amazon:

Hard Red Winter Wheat Berries, 5 lbs $17.95

Organic Whole Oat, 2 Lbs $21.94

Extra Long Brown Basmati Rice, 3.3 lbs $14.99

Millet Proso, 10 lbs $25.95

Ready Sterilized Rye Berry Mushroom Grain Bag $16.50

Jars and Lids with injection port and air filter

Use any jars for canning like Mason jars or heat resistant 5PP jars.

The optimal volume is 12-32oz or 350-1000 ml.

For lids use self-healing injection ports or RTV silicone and synthetic air filters

Mason jars for growing psilocybin mushrooms
Mason spawn jar. Lid with filter and injection port.

Polypropylene (5PP) is heat resistant food plastic withstand temperatures up to +140°C (284°F).

Polypropylene jars with twist-off polypropylene jars for mushroom spawn jars
Polypropylene jars with twist-off polypropylene jars for mushroom spawn jars
Polypropylene symbol
Polypropylene symbol

♻️ Jars, lids and components are reusable!

Shroomok's Choice on Amazon:

Mason Jars with Lids, 16/32 oz - 6 Pack $17.99

Mason Jars Wide Mouth with Lids, 32oz - 12 Pack $27.99

Polypropylene jars, 8-32oz $11.97

Air Filters 64 pcs. + Injection Ports 100 pcs. $12.99

Incubation box

Optional if your room temperature is 70°F or +21°C and higher

Cardboard box with thermal box liner or Styrofoam shipping box (Amazon) or Insulated bag. Probably you already have something at home. This will be our incubator.

Incubator for cultivation psilocybe cubensis
Cardboard box with bubble PE sheeting as an incubator for growing psilocybin mushrooms

Styrofoam box as an incubator for mushroom cultivation.

Styrofoam box as incubator for mushroom growing

Cabinet or cupboard shelf as an incubator for mushroom colonization period

Cabinet shelf or cupboard shelf as incubator for mushroom colonization period
Heater for incubator

To maintain the temperature in the incubator +25°...+27°C or 77-81°F for the first 2 weeks helps to speed up mycelium growth. However it's not mandatory and depends on the season of the year and temperature conditions in your home. So, during the hot season you can proceed without it, but during the cold season you'll need additional heating to speed up mycelium colonization.

As a heater for incubation box you can use shoe dryer.

Heater for incubator
Heater for incubator

Or heating mat (silicone mat heater, heat mat for terrarium, floor mat heater, plant and seed warming mat, hydroponic heating pad for indoor seedling and germination), animals bed heater, any household heater or any heating element, сorner near radiator or even your cat.

Heating mat examples for incubator
Heating mat examples for incubator

Temperature controllers aka Thermostat to maintain stable temperature. Optional, but useful!


All stuff on Amazon:

Shoe Dryer with build in fan $47.08

Seedling Heat Mat $28.99

Reptile Heating Pad with Temperature Adjustment $19.98

Inkbird Digital Temperature Controller $35.00

Thermometer and hygrometer

Digital thermometer with a hygrometer to monitor temperature in the incubator and fruiting chamber as well.

Electronic thermometer with hygrometer

Shroomok's Choice on Amazon:

Bluetooth Digital Hygrometer, Thermometer with Remote App $12.99

Digital Hygrometer, Thermometer - $17.99

List of required items for fruiting period

For the second stage of growing process you need to prepare:

Plastic container for fruiting chamber

Detailed construction of the fruiting chamber is presented in the DIY Grow Box for Magic mushrooms. Fruiting conditions section.

The volume should be about 30-40 liters (30-40Qt). You can use plastic boxes of larger (50-80L or about 50-80Qt) or smaller shoeboxes (15-20L or 15-20 Qt) as well. The bigger the better. Because the will be accumulated less carbon dioxide (CO2) during mushrooms growing. Bigger grow box can be ventilated rarely. It's easier to control the microclimate conditions.

Plastic container for preparing growbox
Plastic container for growbox preparation

Shroomok's Choice on Amazon:

Plastic Box for Growbox, Monotub, Shoebox or DubTub Tek 5/12/19/32/40/53 Qt - $44.99

2. LED lamp. The lamp light should be weak in the blue range (~435 nm).

LED lamp for growbox for mushroom growing
LED lamp for mushroom cultivation in blue range (~435 nm)

Mushrooms don't need powerful lamps for plants. You can use diode strip as additional light for fruiting chamber. Moreover, natural light is suitable as well, but NOT direct sunlight and only diffused soft light.

lamp for magic mushrooms grow box
LED lamp in the blue range (~435 nm) for psilocybin mushrooms growbox

Shroomok's Choice on Amazon:

Gooseneck Lamp for mushroom growbox, Metal Large Clamp, Adjustable Light - $24.98

White LED Strip Lights 19.99

LED Lamp USB Charging Port, 2 AC Power Outlet, 1H Timer - $26.99

3. Plastic Food Containers. Any food flat container for making small mushroom cakes and casing. The volume about 1-3 liters can be used

PE containers for mycelium and casing phase of growing psilocybin mushrooms
Plastic containers for mushroom cakes and casing

Shroomok's Choice on Amazon:

Lunch Boxes with Lids for mushroom cakes - 28 oz - 12/20 Pack - $10.99

Seed Starting Plant Growing Trays for Mushroom Cakes - 10 pcs. - $21.99

Coconut coir for bulk substrate

Use pressed coconut fiber bricks. Coconut fiber volume increases after adding water. One brick is enough for 4-8 small mushroom cakes, or 2 tubes (shoeboxes, monotub).

Coco brick for magic mushrooms cakes (casing layer)
Coco brick for psilocybin mushrooms cakes (casing layer)

Shroomok's Choice on Amazon:

Coco Coir Brick 650 Gram Block - $7.99


We need a vermiculite for bulk substrate and grain jars (optional) to balance moisture.

Perlite and vermiculite as a drainage for substrate for growing magic mushrooms
Vermiculite and perlite as a drainage for substrate

Shroomok's Choice on Amazon:

Vermiculite 8 qt. - 1/2/5 Pack - $12.64

Additives to bulk substrate (optional)

Gypsum (CaSO4) for better substrate aeration and source of Calcium

Limestone flour for casing substrate
Limestone flour for casing substrate

Shroomok's Choice on Amazon:

Organic Garden Gypsum Calcium Sulfate, 5 lb - $20.00

✅ You can buy ready to use sterilized compost with right water content (aka field capacity). No need to buy coco coir, vermiculite, gypsum and spend time for pasteurization or sterilization. Ready to use sterile coco coir mixed with vermiculite and gypsum (CVG substrate) you can use for making mushroom cakes.

Shroomok's Choice on Amazon:

Ready Sterilized Compost Mushroom Substrate - 10 Pounds - 1 Bag - $24.95

Ready Sterile Coco Coir/Vermiculite Casing Substrate - 5 Pounds - $34.95

List of required items to buy at the pharmacy

1. Growers outfit: face mask, gloves, medical cap, disposable medical gown or PE raincoat

Growers outfit for mushroom cultivation: face mask, gloves, cap, gown
Growers outfit for mushroom cultivation: face mask, gloves, cap, gown

Shroomok's Choice on Amazon: 10 Gloves and 1 Mask Bundle - $7.99

2. Sterile syringe (5ml or 10ml or 20 ml) with needle — 1 syringe per 1 spore print. Better to use a big volume syringe to prepare more liquid spore suspension.

Syringe for liquid spore suspension
Syringe for liquid spore suspension

Shroomok's Choice on Amazon:

Syringe Needle for LC or spore syringe, 18 ga - 50 Pack - $9.90

Sterile Syringe for liquid spore or liquid culture 5/10/20/30/60 ml - 30Pack - $12.99

Sterile injection water

Minimum 10 ml per 1 spore syringe. If you use big volume syringes (20-30-50 ml), then you need more sterile water.

Sterile injection water for liquid spore syringe
Sterile injection water for liquid spore syringe

Shroomok's Choice on Amazon: Sterile Water 100ml 6 Bottles - $8.54

Isopropyl or Ethyl alcohol (70%)Ethyl alcohol (70%)

I recommend to use 70% alcohol in spray bottle. For all manipulations you need minimum 400-500 ml.

Ethyl alcohol 70% in spray bottle
Ethyl alcohol 70% in spray bottle

Shroomok's Choice on Amazon:

Isopropyl Alcohol 70% USP Grade - One Quart Spray - $21.99

Isopropyl Alcohol 70% USP Grade - 4 X 1 Quart Spray Bottle - $45.00

7. Breathable bactericidal patch — minimum 20-30 pcs. For 1 jar you will need 3 patches and 8-10 pcs. for the grow box. Or you can use micropore, omnipore tape.

Breathable bactericidal patch, micropore
Breathable bactericidal patch, micropore

Shroomok's Choice on Amazon:

3M Micropore Tape 1530-1 (2 rolls) 1 x 10 yards - $4.60

Micropore Surgical Tape - 3m - 2" x 10 YD - 6 rolls - $9.95

Box of Flexible breathable bandages - 50 pcs. - $14.99

8. Cotton disks — 1 pack (50-100 pcs.)

Shroomok's Choice on Amazon: Cotton Rounds Organic, 100 Count - $3.79

List of required kitchen and household items

1. Pressure cooker, autoclave or multicooker.

Autoclave or PC for grain substrate sterilization
Pressure cooker or autoclave for grain substrate sterilization

Shroomok's Choice on Amazon:

T-fal Pressure Cooker, 3 PSI Settings - 22 Qt - $93.95

Presto Pressure Cooker - 23 Qt - $128.63

All-American Pressure Cooker - 21/25/30/40 Qt - $419.29

Household stuff for growing magic mushrooms
Household supplies for growing psilocybin mushrooms at home

2. Saucepan (the volume about 3 liters).

3. Sieve or colander.

4. Aluminium foil.

5. Marker pen.

6. Teaspoon.

7. Tablespoon.

Useful and helpful, but not necessary stuff

These items will be helpful for cultivation process, but not necessary for the first growing experience.

1. Aquarium air pump for automatic ventilation and to maintain high humidity level. This gadget is useful for automatic fresh air exchange.

Aquarium air pump for growbox for mushroom cultivation
Aquarium air pump for growbox for mushroom cultivation. Productivity 180 L/hour
Aquarium air compressor for automatic grow box ventilation
Aquarium air pump for automatic growbox ventilation. Productivity 150 L/hour

Shroomok's Choice on Amazon:

Quiet Oxygen Pump for 20-100 Gallon - 2 Outlets - $14.99

Air Pump with Dual Outlets - up to 80 Gallon - $16.98

Adjustable Oxygen Pump for 20-100 Gallon - 2 Outlets - $16.99

Powerful Air Pump - for 20-200 Gallon - 2 Outlets - $19.99

Your grow box can be ventilated and misted manually. Details are in the DIY Grow Box for Magic mushrooms and Pinhead initiation. Fruiting parameters sections.

2. Humidifier for growbox. Terrarium humidifier allows you to maintain a constant humidity level of the grow box automatically.

Humidifier for tube
Growbox humidifier

Shroomok's Choice on Amazon:

Cheap USB-Powered Mini Humidifier 250ml - $6.99

USB Mini Portable Humidifier 350ml - Led Light - $10.99

Portable Humidifying Unit - 0.7 L - Light and Auto Shut-Off - $29.99

Professional Humidifier/fogger with Extension Tube - 4L Large Tank - $37.99

Professional Humidifier, Fogger for GrowBox - 2 L Tank - $45.99

3. Carbon dioxide sensor (CO2 detector). To control carbon dioxide level in growbox during mushrooms fruiting period. These sensors are also indicate temperature and relative humidity.

Digital carbon dioxide sensor or CO2 detector for growbox
Digital carbon dioxide sensor or CO2 detector for growbox

Shroomok's Choice on Amazon:

3-in-1: Portable CO2 Detector, Temperature, Humidity - LCD Display - $48.99

Air Quality Monitor: CO2, Temperature Humidity - NDIR Channel Sensor, Rechargeable Battery - $71.99

3-in-1: CO2 Meter, Temperature, Humidity; USB Power & Battery - $89.45

Professional 6-in-1: CO2 Detector, Air Pollution, Temperature, Humidity - $89.99

3-in-1: CO2, Temperature, Humidity, Tabletop & Wall Mountable - $129.99

Smart Home - All-in-One - Radon & Air Quality Monitor - $148.76

4. Soil pH meter to check and control acidity level of substrate.

pH meter
pH meter

Shroomok's Choice on Amazon:

Digital Soil Ph Meter - $17.95

5. UV Sanitizer Lamp. Useful for preparing conditionally clean spore prints from your harvest and for preparing working space for all mycological manipulations. This device can reduce contamination risks greatly!

Germicidal (bactericidal) lamp
Germicidal (bactericidal) lamp

Shroomok's Choice on Amazon:

Ozone UV Germicidal Light UVC Lamp Timer, for Home and Mycology - $27.99

UV Light Sanitizer - for Home and Mycology - $29.99

6. Medical or jewelry pocket scales for weighting mushroom crop, microdoses and trip doses accurate to the 0.01 gram. Turned out to be very useful.

Medical or jewelry pocket scales for weighting psilocybin mushrooms
Medical or jewelry pocket scales for weighting psilocybin mushrooms crop, microdoses and trip doses (accurate to the 0.01 gram)

Shroomok's Choice on Amazon:

Digital Pocket Jewelry Scales - Scale Capacity 200 g, Scale Accuracy 0.01 g - $10.75

Mini Digital Jewelry Scale - Capacity 500g, Accuracy 0.01g - $10.99

Professional USB Milligrams Scale - Capacity 50g, Accuracy 0.001g - $22.78

All in One: Scales, Case, Tweezers, Calibration, Weighing Pans - Capacity 50 g, Acuracy 0.001g - $37.99

And many other useful gadgets to optimize your growing process and make your mushroom cultivation automated.

The sky is the limit!

Here are some helpful tips and notes for newbie grower.

Where to buy everything you need

Be ready to check:

  • Shroomok's Choice on Amazon
  • Grow-Kits from Shroomok
  • pharmacy
  • flower store
  • pet store
  • supermarket
  • market
  • grocery store with all sorts of household trivia.
  • the vast expanse of the Internet to help you, where you can order online a lot of useful things to start growing.

Don't forget to check all stuff you've already had at home.

Why is sterility so important for mushroom cultivation?

In the process of psilocybin mushrooms cultivation we are simulating natural conditions. In these conditions there is a fierce competition and fight for the nutrient substrate between psilocybe spores, bacteria, molds and viruses.

It is very easy for psilocybin mushrooms to lose this battle. But we can help them win!

How? By maintaining sterility at all stages of growing process.

Main sources of contamination with bacteria, molds and viruses are:

🔴 Grower himself (hands, hair, breath, snot, saliva).

Solution: gloves, face mask, medical cap and medical gown (or PE raincoat).

🔴 Workspace (microorganisms on surfaces and flying in the air).

Solution: disinfect the space, avoid draughts and ventilation during mycological manipulations, treat all surfaces with alcohol, use a glovebox or still air box (SAB).

🔴 Instruments and tools.

Solution: treatment with alcohol or sterilization.

🔴 Spore print.

Solution: use sterile spore print or antibiotic application.

🔴 Substrate.

Solution: use antibiotic or hydrogen peroxide for spawn substrate preparation and thorough substrate sterilization.

How to prepare work space for mycological manipulations?

Let us remind you that in this guide we use only the simplest and most accessible methods to organize growing psilocybin mushrooms at home. Our process was carried out without laboratory equipment, glove box and SAB which are desirable but not necessary. Still, let's say a few words about the ideal conditions for growing psilocybin mushrooms. Such conditions minimize the probability of mold spores, bacteria and viruses entering the substrate during liquid spore syringe preparation, during inoculation, casing process and during spore prints preparation.

Still, let's say a few words about the ideal conditions for growing psilocybin mushrooms. Such conditions minimize the probability of undesirable spores penetration, which leads to substrate contamination.

Laminar flow cabinet or Glove box

Glove box or laminar flow cabinet — a vacuum box, which is used in laboratories to ensure the sterility of the laboratory procedures carried out. The main disadvantages are its high cost, as well as a number of inconveniences arising from working with thin and fragile instruments while wearing thick gloves.

Laboratory glove box
Laboratory glove box

Shroomok's Choice on Amazon:

Vertical Laminar Flow Hood, Clean Bench with Three Fans, HEPA-Filter for Cleanliness Dust Free Work - $480.85

YJINGRUI Vertical Laminar Flow Hood, 26x12x20 inch Working Area, HEPA-Filter for Mycology & Class 100 Cleanliness Dust Free Work with Three Fans (110V) - $589.00

YJINGRUI Vertical Laminar Flow Hood Air Flow Clean Bench with HEPA-Filter for Class 100 / ISO 5 Cleanliness Dust Free Work Single Use 110V (22.6'X22.6'X29 Workbench) - $896.00

Simple mobile acrylic glovebox for mycological manipulations.

Acrylic glovebox
Acrylic glovebox

An alternative option is a DIY sealed glovebox made from a plastic container with a germicidal lamp and gloves. This is a simple and cheap option.

Handmade glove box for inoculation and growing magic mushrooms manipulations
Handmade glove box for inoculation and growing magic mushrooms manipulations
Still air box (SAB)

One more alternative simple option is still air box (SAB) for all mycological manipulation. It's easy to make. SAB is not sealed, it does not eliminate the possibility of contaminants, but it helps greatly reduce the risks of contamination by bacteria and spores flying in the air or live on surfaces.

Moreover, you can use such box as SAB, then use it as a growbox or make a monotub. So, no need to buy additional stuff.

Ready to use still air box (SAB) for psilocybin mushrooms cultivation
Ready to use still air box (SAB) for psilocybin mushrooms cultivation
SAB for mycology
Still air box (SAB) example
SAB for mycology
Still air box for mycological manipulations

Shroomok's Choice on Amazon:

SAB Mini Still Air Box | 32qt - $99.95

What if there is no glovebox and SAB?

If you don't have such devices and don't want to bother with them for your very first growing experience, then take care about preparation the cleanest space at home, which isn't occupied by molds. Ideal for manipulation is a bedroom and a table thoroughly wiped with alcohol over the entire surface. Kitchen and bathroom are not recommended for mycological manipulations. Such places give more opportunities for further contamination.

Now you need to do the following:

  1. Clean your room before mycological manipulations.
  2. Turn off any ventilation or air conditioning, close windows and eliminate drafts.
  3. Wipe a table with alcohol (70%).
  4. Prepare your grower outfit: medical cap, face mask, gloves, and a PE raincoat or medical gown.
How to be prepared for growing psilocybin mushrooms?
Prepared space, place, table and growers outfit for mycological manipulations

It's sad and funny that after a while this look became normal on the streets of all cities and countries. Suddenly, covid-19 turned everyone into growers :)

We don't know about the corona virus, but in the case of growing psilocybin mushrooms, this outfit is must have! No doubts, from your hair, from your face, from your clothes, through snot and saliva can fall a lot of "uninvited guests", which won't let the magic mushrooms come into the world.

Keep in mind! You should use your grower outfit at ALL stages of the growing! Just change gloves, if necessary. You can neglect anything, but not a sterility!

❗️❗️❗️The first and the most important rule of growing mushrooms is a STERILITY❗️❗️❗️

For now, we have everything prepared according to the lists above. Bags for our growing trip are packed! It's time to begin exciting journey that will last for the next 10 weeks

Let's go! STEP 1. Day 1. Liquid spore syringe ▶️

Samuel Owino

Very informative. I like it.

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