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Shroomok avatar Shroomok

Hello @Kitty555

Yes, it is possible to play with truffle grow box, but only mycelium samples should be used to inoculate the grain. Mycelium before sclerotia forms is the best. Don't use sclerotia stones for your G2G transfer!
It is also possible (and better) to use mycelium samples for further Agar work.

The sterility routine is crucial. There is no 100% guarantee of the result, but your approach has a better chance of success ;)
Looking forward to your experiments and updates.

Enjoy and good luck,


Hi! I used your guide using glas jars with rubber injection ports and air locks. Pc for 1,5 h. Injected with a syringe front a online store. For some reason I got green mold in all 6 jars. That was a really big surprise. Any ideas what went wrong?

Shroomok avatar Shroomok

Hey @WhatDPluck??

In this write up, I wanted to show the entire process from spore print/syringe to final harvest, which took about 8 months. So yes, it's a longread!

It is much easier to navigate if you click on the "Table of contents" to see all steps and subtitles.

Regarding substrate description. At the beginning of this step (Step 2) I mentioned:
1) what grain is the best to use
2) what I'd avoid and why
3) what I prefer to use.

Then you can see a few options of substrates for YOUR choice:
1) how to prepare whole grain (oats, rye, millet, wild bird seeds, wheat, barley). The process is the same for ANY type of whole grain. The only difference is a simmering time. As an example I showed the process with whole oats.
2) how to prepare rye grass seeds (recipe)
3) how to prepare BRF substrate (recipe)
Just choose one ;)

Perhaps this guide for making grain substrate + additional recipes here will be more helpful for you:

Lastly, I'm always urging growers to do more DIY and, of course, make their own grain jars/bags. Why? The quality will be better, you can make them anytime you want and it will be much cheaper! Just take a look 'Start making your own grain substrate for mushrooms and save money':

Let me know if you have a specific question or need details about a step you are struggling with.
I'm always glad to help and ready to add/update information if something is unclear to readers.

Thank you!

Shroomok avatar Shroomok

Hi @Kitty555

B+ STRAIN (aka SUBspecies) belongs to Psilocybe Cubensis species. NONE of the Psilocybe Cubensis strains (B+ in particular) produce sclerotia. Therefore, if you want magic truffles, you need to have the proper species (not a strain of P.Cubensis) that is genetically capable of producing truffles. You've mentioned them already: Psilocybe Tampanensis, Psilocybe Mexicana (Jalisco, Mexicana A, Psilocybe Pajaritos), Psilocybe Galindoi, Psilocybe Atlantis, Psilocybe Atl#7.

For a better understanding of mushroom genetics take a look at the Mushroom Genetic Tree here: – it's a graph, which consists of Mushroom categories -> species -> strains -> hybrids/crosses/isolations.

B+ is a good one for beginners in mushrooom cultivation. To grow Psilocybe Cubensis B+ and any other Cubensis strain follow 20 steps of my growing diary here:

Best of luck in your endeavors🤞


Hi Shroomok.
"All species that produce sclerotia also can produce mushrooms."
But what the other way around? You've mentioned Psilocybe Mexicana, Psilocybe Galindoi or Psilocybe Tampanensis, Psilocybe Atl#7, Psilocybe Atlantis. I have only B+ at the moment. Is it a good idea to start with this for an experiment or should I try to order one of your listed spores?
Thank you


This and many other sites are as confusing as can be. Your substrate description is also confusing. It seems like they're doing on purpose to get people to buy already prepared substrate. First you say you can use oats. Then you go on to describe the process of preparing rye. I don't know if the people writing these are on shrooms as they're writing them but they just don't make any sense it jumps around too much. It is a very lengthy and complicated description. Please compile a one pager for each substrate recipe thank you!

Shroomok avatar Shroomok

Hello @Kennedy!
I’m glad you found this guide helpful.

The short answer is NO. If you simply put a sclerotia in grain it will rot.

However it is possible to CLONE sclerotia sample (from the inside) on the agar. The risk of contamination is still high, so you will need to make a several transfers from agar to agar and perhaps use peroxidated/antibiotic agar to clean up the culture. Then you can use healthy mycelium on agar for grain inoculation. This approach is more likely to succeed ;)

Thank you for your comment and kind word!
Regards, Shroomok


Hello Shroomok, thanks for the helpful guide!
I have just one question left:
If you have access to sclerotia from a box of fresh magic truffle (ready to consume) as you can buy them in Netherlands, is it possible to just use them to inoculate your grain instead of using a syringe with a liquid culture?
Thanks in advance for the answer and keep up the good work!
Greetings, Kennedy


That was informative, you had 4 that are new to me and got me a little curious, good job by the way, very easy to understand for anyone new and curious, give this a read


I’m in a place with fluctuating temperatures and was curious if I could use a dehydrator on the lowest temp (85ish) as an incubator?

Shroomok avatar Shroomok

@ghastcreep, there were small mushroom cakes. The overall volume of each one was only ~1Qt (1 Liter). I didn't mix spawn with bulk. For making cakes I crashed grain spawn in flat plastic boxes and cover them with pseudo casing layer (coco coir, verm, gypsum, lime). The top layer was ~1/2 inch (1.5 cm).

You can check the whole process and details on the previous steps of this guide.

Shroomok avatar Shroomok

How was your trip with nutcracker @The real Sean?
How much did you take?
Did you have any specific purpose for using shrooms?
Could you please describe the effects? Any side effects?

Shroomok avatar Shroomok

@kupjv, you DON'T need powerful full spectrum lamps for plants.
Moreover, additional light for Cubensis is optional.

There are several options for you to choose from:
- natural light in your room (but NOT direct sun light)
- LED lamps white-blue spectrum (~435-480 nm)
- fluorescent cold white light 6000-6500k lux power

At which stages to use? Fruiting period!

Shroomok avatar Shroomok

@Bademeister Ratios by volume is a standard practice in mushroom cultivation (brought from edible mushroom growing).

For instance, for making a bunch of blocks you can find recipes with main ingredients in ratio like 5:3:1:1 by volume. You can use cups, jars, buckets or… wheel barrow. Up to you, just follow the ratio and prepare as much as you need. A little more or less of some ingredient is not critical. It doesn't need to be precise to the gram.

For actives, like Cubensis, we usually use the whole coco brick for substrate and it's easy to follow the ratio by volume. But yeah, for small amount the recipe looks weird due to non-integers for measuring the volume of each ingredient.

Special for you I've tested the recipe to get perfect field capacity :)
By WEIGHT I've got the following:
130g - coco coir
46g - vermiculite
15g - gypsum
850g - water

Regarding excessive water in your bulk substrate…
It may vary. Could be perfect match with the recipe, or too much, or not enough water. It all depends on how dry main ingredients are. Coco bricks could have 10-20% of moisture from the start. Coco and verm left open for a while could absorb additional moisture from the air.

You’re right! In your case you can squeeze out some water. Or just add more vermiculite to the substrate to ensure a proper field capacity. If there is not enough water, you can add more chilled boiling water and mix the substrate well.
You need to check it every time you make a substrate 🙃

Wish you a great cultivation journey🤞
Looking forward to good news and updates from you 😉

Shroomok avatar Shroomok

@question No problem, you can dry them additionally for a few hours in dehydrator.

Or add 5-10 packs of food-grade desiccant (aka silica gel, moisture absorber) in each storage jar. You can also use a white rice instead (add 3-5 tbsp in each jar). After 1-2 days, excess moisture will be absorbed and the shrooms will become crispier.

Desiccant/rice helps to keep mushrooms dry and absorb the slight moisture in shrooms. It’s a great to add them for long-term storage to prevent such ‘flimsy’ state. Also use airtight jars/bags to store shrooms.

All the best :)
