Magic mushrooms growing statistics with charts
Grow report in numbers. Mushroom cultivation with statistics and charts
In this section were noted all successes and failures of one Psilocybe Cubensis grow. Hope this information help you to plan your growing and have some predictions. Maybe it can be example for you to make your own growing statistics.
Let's start with the most interesting Q&A and charts with data.
Psilocybe Cubensis Life Cycle statistics
How long was your growing process?
The whole productive growing period lasts 73 days + 2 days for preparation all needed Stuff to buy for growing and Liquid spore syringes preparation from spore prints.
When the first mycelium on the substrate was detected?
First mycelium in jars with substrate appeared on the 4-8th day after inoculation, depending the psilocybe cubensis strain. Check examples in Magic mushrooms incubator control section.
When the first pins and magic fungi bodies on your cakes were detected?
First pins and first mushroom bodies appeared on the 25-28th day after inoculation, depending the psilocybe cubensis strain. Check examples in Growbox. Growing stage and Start of Fruiting sections.
When the first flush was harvested?
The first flush of magic mushrooms was harvested on the 32-34th day after inoculation.
Check the whole Psilocybe Cubensis life cycle by steps and strains in the table below:

Overall mushroom yield
What was your overall result of growing magic mushrooms at home?
We had 5 spore prints and 5 spore syringes.
We inoculated 15 jars with substrate. 20% (3 jars) were lost during colonization period.
With other 12 jars we made 9 cakes (mix of small and big jars).
22% (4 cakes from 9) were lost during fruiting phase.
Our final result is 58% of success to 48% of lost

Psilocybe Cubensis yield by flushes and strains
How much mushrooms have you harvested in total?
The final result of the whole psilocybin fungi growing is 1 kg 883 grams of Psilocybe Cubensis mushrooms. If we hadn't lost no one jar and no one cake our current yield could have been two times greater!
How much does a mushroom flush yield?
It depends from the flush number, strain, spore print quality, substrate volume, growing conditions and many other factors. From our own experience we admitted that from 5 cakes (3 different strains) from flush to flush we got from 238 grams to 476 grams of psilocybin mushrooms.
The most productive was the 3rd flush of fruiting and harvesting period. The weakest was the very first flush (not including the experimental 6th flush which gave us only 24 grams).
Take a look how different it could be:

1 kg 883 grams of wet magic mushrooms after drying turned into 164 grams of dry weight. Drying the mushrooms was more than 10 times (on average, mushrooms leave 8-9% of their original mass).
How much psilocybin mushrooms can you get from 1 spore print (1 spore syringe)?
In our successful experience yield from 1 spore print (1-GT, 1-Thai, 1-Brazil) was from 489 grams to 869 grams from all flushes. It also can be 0 as it was with F+ strain.
Take a look:

How much psilocybin mushrooms could be harvested from 1 cake in average?
Due to our growing statistics yield from one cake could be from 35 grams to 135 grams per one flush. Up to 500 grams for the whole fruiting and harvesting period (all flushes). It depends from the flush number, strain, spore print quality, substrate volume, mycelium, growing conditions and many other factors.
Are there any difference in yield between Psilocybe Cubensis strains?
Golden Teacher (GT) is seems a great and easy strain for beginners. In fact, most problems we got with GT (2 jars with substrate and 1 cake were lost). Anyway, it depends from many factors, not only strain choosing.
The most productive was Thai strain. We didn't loose no one jar with substrate and no one cake. As a result we've got the biggest yield from 1 spore print from Thai strain in comparison with the others.
Brazil showed good results as well. The yield could be even better than Thai if we didn't loose 1 jar with substrate.
F+ was lost totally because of overlay. Check details about F+ story in Psilocybe growing problems - overlay, abortions, etc

How many spore prints have you prepared?
We gathered in total 72 conditionally clean spore prints from all flushes (except the last experimental 6th flush).
Read how to prepare properly your own spore prints in the Spore Prints preparation section.

It's just one simple grow. Hope to share with you more soon.
Wish you amazing harvests! Enjoy your grow-trip!
Peace, Shroomok 🤍
🍄 Buy Shroomok a mushroom as a donation and say something nice!
What's an average yield for a 5 lb bag per flush
@Angie It's an easy and complicated question. Yield depends on many factors. First of all, genetic (multiculture or isolated culture), teks, fruiting conditions etc.
From 5lb of substrate it is possible to get up to 5lb of mushrooms roughly for FULL fruiting cycle. It means for ~5 flushes in total
Each flush never produces the same amount/weight of shrooms
Usually first 3 flushes are the most productive, after that yield decreases. As a result, one flush can produce 50-100g, another one even 2 lb or nothing
Actually, even low succesfull result more than enough for personal use, isn't it?
What was the size of the cakes, what was your spawn:substrate ratio?
@ghastcreep, there were small mushroom cakes. The overall volume of each one was only ~1Qt (1 Liter). I didn't mix spawn with bulk. For making cakes I crashed grain spawn in flat plastic boxes and cover them with pseudo casing layer (coco coir, verm, gypsum, lime). The top layer was ~1/2 inch (1.5 cm).
You can check the whole process and details on the previous steps of this guide.