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I did a g2g this morning with the jar I've been posting about. I noticed some of it turned blueish green. Am I safe in assuming that's just bruising? I didn't notice that when I did it before. But jar wasn't that colonized before either. Tryp answered: With the short time frame and blue hue I would say bruising. Tricho would be green and would 100% not grow that fast/would be more rampant as well. Furthermore, since you handled it/transferred bruising would make sense. Keep an eye on it. Plus if it was tricho, it would be white first, similar to mycellium. It only turns green in the final decay stages which typically takes about 10 days #2 Shroomok: seems like bruising so far

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Bruises or contam?

Why magic mushrooms turned blue and have bruises? Why mycelium bruised? The main differences between bruising and mold c...

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Aug 2022

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Bruises or contam?