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I think this was 3 or 4. I have some badass jack frost it was almost fully colonized in 3 days LoL In 65 degrees temp I don't even know what would have happened if it would have been 75 or 70 even. And it's got 1/8-1/4" pseudo layer

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I’m right where you are, with the jack Frost strain. The colonization gets thicker and wider and bigger, and I am almost 3 weeks in. Lots of hyphae and no primordia. Yet.

Patience, grasshopper.

Great scott Marty

What's your substrate and ratio ?

Incubator & Grain colonization

STEP 7. How to make incubator for mushrooms. Colonization conditions for mycelium. First signs of mycelium. When and why...

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Mar 2021

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Incubator & Grain colonization