Photo examples for identification of Bacterial Blotch disease in mushroom growing aka Brown Spot contamination on mushroom caps and stems. The most common pathogens are Pseudomonas tolaasii, P. agarici, P. costantinii, P. reactans
The most prevalent bacterial disease affecting both commercially cultivated and home-grown mushrooms.
Oct 2023
Shroomok's choice on Amazon
Ready Sterile Coco Coir/Vermiculite Subs...
AcuRite Digital Hygrometer with Thermome...
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8 Qt. Instant Pot with Pressure Cooker m...
Power Adapter (12V/15A)
Nature's Premium Coco Coir 1-Pound Brick
Luster Leaf Digital Soil pH Meter
Safe Orange to Green Indication Silica G...
Premium High Precision Digital Milligram...