This is what i've been using for months and it works amazingly well. I cannot tell you how much of a game changer it was vs driving myself crazy doing things in a SAB. Tip for using this type of device: turn off all airflow in your workspace and run a HEPA filter in the room for an hour or so before starting your work. I've left agar plates open for an hour in front of this with no contamination. Ive done agar to agar, grain to grain, liquid culture to grain, lc from bottle to syringes, and more with this setup and had zero contamination. If you're starting out, this thing is your magic bullet seriously.
@Angie It's an easy and complicated question. Yield depends on many factors. First of all, genetic (multiculture or isolated culture), teks, fruiting conditions etc.
From 5lb of substrate it is possible to get up to 5lb of mushrooms roughly for FULL fruiting cycle. It means for ~5 flushes in total
Each flush never produces the same amount/weight of shrooms
Usually first 3 flushes are the most productive, after that yield decreases. As a result, one flush can produce 50-100g, another one even 2 lb or nothing
Actually, even low succesfull result more than enough for personal use, isn't it?
This is what i've been using for months and it works amazingly well. I cannot tell you how much of a game changer it was vs driving myself crazy doing things in a SAB. Tip for using this type of device: turn off all airflow in your workspace and run a HEPA filter in the room for an hour or so before starting your work. I've left agar plates open for an hour in front of this with no contamination. Ive done agar to agar, grain to grain, liquid culture to grain, lc from bottle to syringes, and more with this setup and had zero contamination. If you're starting out, this thing is your magic bullet seriously.
How I built my first laminar flow hood for home mycology
@Angie It's an easy and complicated question. Yield depends on many factors. First of all, genetic (multiculture or isolated culture), teks, fruiting conditions etc.
From 5lb of substrate it is possible to get up to 5lb of mushrooms roughly for FULL fruiting cycle. It means for ~5 flushes in total
Each flush never produces the same amount/weight of shrooms
Usually first 3 flushes are the most productive, after that yield decreases. As a result, one flush can produce 50-100g, another one even 2 lb or nothing
Actually, even low succesfull result more than enough for personal use, isn't it?
Magic mushrooms growing statistics with charts
What's an average yield for a 5 lb bag per flush
Magic mushrooms growing statistics with charts
@Joyshroom in fact fluffy stems is just mushroom mycelium. It's totally safe! No need to scrape it off
Why Mushrooms too Leggy, Fuzzy Feet and White Dots on Caps
Can you dry your shrooms with fluffy stems and consume it? Or do you need to scrape it off before you dry them?
Why Mushrooms too Leggy, Fuzzy Feet and White Dots on Caps
Haha, adorable shrooms!
Shopping list to start mushroom growing