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big henry

I've followed the tips in this article. Unfortunately I lost 2 cakes to aggressive overlay, 1 cake to contamination, and it looks like I'm going lose 2 more :( Live and learn. The last set of 2 has just come back with a vengeance. Oh well. Maybe I should stick to spores instead of LC.


Would love to see your mushroom growing bins. Been hit and miss with me and it would maybe help me figure mine out so I don’t get so many failures. My email is

Mr OCd

"You can harvest one jar in 3 month, another jar in 6 month or even in 1 year." - Does this mean after innoculation or colonization.. I have a bag that I inoculated with LC 3 months ago and I dont want to accidentially open it too early!


I'm interested about pc fan on the top.
It's just a hole for the fan or filter used too between the the hole and pc fan?

rocky stone

thanks for the info I'm cultivating this strain in combination with some golden teachers for my very first grows.This post had a lot of useful information im going to try and cold shock my tubs into pinning with some 20 hour light and some ice packs

maybe look in to that blanket thing that was mentioned


These need more fae and light than cubes to reduce overlay. These will probably always make some overlay but can be reduced. But the mushrooms tend to be tough and useually manage to poke through the overlay and fully grow. I use grow bags for these. But i had to get a hole punch and make 4 punches and 8 holes total about an inch above the sub in each corner of the rectangular bag. Then on the opposit side of the filter patch. I put 2 punches which equates to 4 holes total. Put micropore tape over all the holes and give them plenty of light as soon as theres a decient amount of mycelium on the top of the cake. Adding fae and more light made less overlay and less noodely mushrooms. They stopped collapsing under their own weight, wernt super lumpy anymore and grew thicker healthier stems after i made those 2 changes.


I have the yellow liquid, it happened after my first flush. Will, actually my wife did the first flush. And she was very rough with the cake. In fact, she broke it in half. Could this be the cause of this yellow e substance

Shroomok avatar Shroomok

@Billeevit, metabolites mainly appear in water pools on the cake, try to avoid it. Here are 2 options for your choice.

1) Mild metabolites is not a problem, so you can leave them. Wait till harvesting, harvest your shrooms, then make rehydration (soaking) mushroom cake in water. So that, you wash metabolites and rehydrate the cake for the new flush.

2) You can use paper towel and apply it to absorb excess of moisture and metabolites. But be gentle, it's easy to irritate or even damage mycelium tissue and bruises appear.

Good luck and have a great harvest!


I have a pool of mycopiss in a low area of my
Coco layer in my monotub. My GT has just started fruiting and looks healthy otherwise.
Should I leave it there or soak it up with paper towel ?


You did NOT screw up, I consider that 24 hour idea debunked mythology. Anyone who has ever done any spore work with a microscope knows the dry spores fully hydrate in minutes if not seconds, they do NOT need 24 hours, haha. I've made plenty of spore syringes where I did not wait at all between creating the syringe and injecting it to grain jars, and they worked perfectly. In fact I would actually RECOMMEND using them as fast as possible, why give any potential contam a chance to grow, just get it on grain as soon as possible and get it into an incubator.